Sunday school last Sunday:
The girl who usually runs the sunday school didn't show up, so I had to have the group by my self, without anything planned. It kind of went well, if we forget about kids running around and yelling, but we also managed to do some word puzzles and play some games.
Body combat workout:
Three or four times I've been to a body combat class at the gym, and it's great fun! The class is based on different marsial arts, like karate, capoeira, thai boxing and others.
Lunch club:
Tuesdays we do lunch club for 11-year-olds at the local school. I think both them and myself enjoy playing games like "Guess who" and "Connect four" for an hour each week.
Wednesdays we have teamdays, which is something I enjoy very much. We try to have a biblical session with a bit of reading and praying, and the rest of the day we eat, shop and hang out.
This week we had lunch at Pizza Hut again, as we probobly will about once a month or so, because the buffet is so cheap!

Thursday I was home for only a couple of hours the whole day. Morning prayer at 9 am, followed by taking everything down from the loft over the office. In the afternoon I went to East Twickenham with John to check out the building we were going to be in on Saturday, and in the evening we had to sort out the things from the loft, throw away what was not needed, and put the other things back up again. This is how the church looked when everything was taken down:
Home group:
Thursday evening, after a quick run home to have some food, we went to Sandras house for home group, witch is the same as a cell group or a bible study group. We were five people including me and Adrian. We talked about the story about Lazarus, and it was really nice.
Central London:
Friday was this weeks best day thanks to London city, the sun that came out and my dear friend Helene! After going to Lillywhites to buy England football shirts, we took out the map, and started walking. And we walked for several hours! We wish we had step counters (or whatever it's called in English), but had to settle with just an estimate of the huge amount of steps we took that day. 20.000 at least! Places we visited were Picadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square (where the National Art Museum is), Hyde Park Corner, Hyde Park, Speakers Corner, Harrods (we just LOOKED, it's too expencive to actually buy something, but at least I can say I've been there now), Green Park where we had lunch after looking for a long time for a regular shop like Tescos or Sainsburys. Then we walked back to Picadilly Circus and to Holborn and Lambs Conduit Street, where we had a coffee in Starbucks (Helenes first visit there).
After walking all over London, we met some people from Janne Lise and Helenes church, to go to South Bank for a quiz. People from many different churches were there, about 15 in total, as an event to collect some money for a group of people preaching in Soho, a area of London with a lot of people who needs to hear Gods word.
Church away day:
Saturday was St. James big away day, when everybody who had the opportunity to come along could join for a day with the theme "How do we grow in faith?". Richard Bewes was teaching, Adrian and I did the worship (think it went very well, considering that we hadn't rehearsed a lot, because we found out we were going to do it on Thursday). We also helped out with the children, who had a separate programme. Four tea breakes, games in the park in lovely weather, and magical tricks are other things to remember from this day.
Norway - Scotland 0-0 was nothing to miss, but I got to see the last 30 minutes of England - Kazakhstan, a game that ended 5-1! Not unexpected, but some entertaining last 15 minutes.
Girls night in:
Saturday night we had a non-planned girls night in, with us three norwegian London girls, a fresh baked brownie and The Terminal with Tom Hanks. Cheers, girls!
Godt å hør at du hvertfall e i live ;) Høres ut som du har my å driv me, og det e jo godt! Du gjør en Kristi gjerning, søta, STÅ PÅ :D Håpe du storkose dæ borti der :) Glede mæ te du kjæm tebake uansett da.. :P
D bli my engelsk no ja...Kainn itj vi trønderan få et helt blogginnlegg på trøndersk???? Bare sånn for at du itj ska glæm korr du høre heim hænn...
Ellers så hæng æ mæ på Bente, å si at d virke absolutt som du har my å hell på me;)
Marble hill park og Twickenham!! Å vakre vakre stad... Flot innlegg, ser ut som du har hatt ei travel men bra veke!
Lovely days:) et innlegg på trøndersk er ikke å forakte? Jeg kan absolutt godta det. Evt på vanlig norsk. Jeg liker det også. Peace and coffee!
Urg. Nå gråter jeg nesten. De bildene bare fikk meg til å bli helt ør :P
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